Contact OpenProceedings
OpenProceedings.org is hosted at the University of Konstanz (Germany), one of the leading Universities actively involved in pursuing an Open Access publication strategy for scholarly and scientific publications.
Any questions regarding this service, in particular applications for the inclusion of other publications on this platform should be directed to:
Prof. Dr. Marc H. Scholl
Dept. of Computer and Information Science
University of Konstanz
78457 Konstanz, Germany
email: Marc.Scholl@uni-konstanz.de
phone: +49 7531 88-4432
fax: +49 7531 88-3577
OpenProceedings is a platform focussing on Computer Science (and closely related) fields. Inclusion of Proceedings on our platform requires acceptance by the Advisory Board. In the past, inclusion in dblp (Computer Science Bibliography, see dblp.org) has been considered as a prerequisite. (You can find information about inclusion in dblp here: DBLPs corresponding FAQ entry).
Additional minimum requirements would be:
- International audience and authors, as well as Committees
- Peer-review with data on acceptance/rejection rate of previous years
- Online source info on each paper (would be added by us)
- Fulll papers, not just (extended) abstracts or presentations (slides); the latter are possible as additional material, though
If we publish your material, we will
- publish the papers on OpenProceedings.org for a nominal fee per paper,
- register the conference and papers with the Computer Science Bibliography (dblp.org)
- register each paper with its own DOI
- register the Proceedings with an ISBN
- generate a table-of-content page on OpenProceedings.org
- watermark and paginate the papers for the Proceedings volume and add the individual DOIs on each paper’s first page
- also provide a „complete PDF“ of the whole Proceedings for easy download
For more details, please contact us as stated above.